Laser hair removal has increased in popularity since it first became accessible. Permanent hair removal is a frequent aspiration, but shaving and waxing may be time-consuming and expensive.

Despite recent major technological advancements, not everyone is a good candidate for laser hair removal. We outline who is a fantastic candidate for laser hair removal for hair loss here, as well as who should consider other hair removal methods.

What Is a Suitable Candidate for Laser Hair Removal?

To be a good candidate for laser hair removal, a person must fulfill some prerequisites. Understanding these characteristics is essential to understanding how lasers work when they target hair.

Lasers are a very potent form of pulsating light. The melanin, which gives hair its color, is the focus of this light.

Since the laser only affects the melanin, it can kill the hair follicles at the end of the hair under the skin without causing skin damage. This means that the effectiveness of laser hair removal relies on your skin and hair types.

Hair and Skin Type

Laser hair removal methods work best on people with coarse, dark hair. Due to technological advancements, laser hair removal may be an option for some lighter hair types.

The best candidates for this hair reduction technique have pale skin and dark hair.

Targeting the melanin is made straightforward by the contrast that dark hair and pale skin produce. Blonde, fine hairs cannot be removed with this method since the lasers cannot target them.

Waxing is recommended for hair that is light in color. It could be more challenging for people with darker skin tones or tans readily to observe results from laser hair removal. This does not imply that none exist.

Modern laser hair removal technology can more effectively target different hair and skin tones.

Treatment Field

When deciding whether laser hair removal is right for you, evaluate the treatment area. The back, arms, legs, and underarms are large skin areas that are excellent candidates for laser hair removal.

However, this does not rule out body parts with facial hair, like the upper lip, chin, or bikini area, all of which are amenable to laser treatment.

Laser hair removal works best for hair that needs to be removed rather than just a few stray hairs here and there.

Who Could Resist the Advantages of Laser Hair Removal?

This raises questions about the types of individuals who would be poor candidates for laser hair removal. As we’ve already mentioned, light, fine hair does not respond well to laser treatments. Additionally, keep your distance from areas near your eyes, such as the area between your brows, as there is a potential that the lasers there could still damage your eyes despite shielding.

Pregnant or nursing women should refrain from laser hair removal to protect their unborn children. Even though nothing awful is guaranteed to occur, it is best to be safe than sorry.


To know if you qualify for laser hair removal and to create the most effective hair removal plan for you, contact a team that offers laser hair removal and weight loss if you’re ready to commit.

We serve the Tri-Cities community of Coquitlam, Port Coquitlam, and Port Moody. Manhas Health offers weight loss, laser hair removal, aesthetics, chiropractor, counseling, IV hydration, naturopath, personal training, physiotherapy, and registered massage therapy. Schedule for a consultation today.